Installation Guide: How To Safely And Securely Install A 4wd Cargo Barrier?

Installing a Buy 4WD Cargo Barrier is an inexpensive way to help protect your vehicle and cargo. A cargo barrier will prevent items in your vehicle from shifting during a collision or sudden stop. The Rightline Gear Retractable Cargo Barrier is easy to install and can be used with most vehicles, including SUVs, vans and trucks. Step 1: Select the right cargo barrier for your vehicle As you begin to shop for a cargo barrier, it is important to ensure that the product is compatible with your vehicle. The first step in this process is determining whether or not the cargo barrier will fit in your vehicle. You can do this by checking the dimensions of both your car and any potential products against each other. Next, look for information about weight capacity and see if there are any caveats or limitations associated with those numbers (for example: "this product cannot be used on vehicles exceeding 5 tons"). Next up? Weighing things out! Find out what kind of load...